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Modules and Contents of Leo Star Astrological Software |
Leostar Home Student Edition |
Leostar Standard Edition |
Leostar Plus |
Leostar Professional |
Bilingual |
Bilingual |
Bilingual |
Bilingual |
Multilingual |
5,999 BUY |
11,99910,799 BUY |
16,99915,299 BUY |
29,99923,999 BUY |
35,99928,799 BUY |
1 |
12 Modules - Teva, Tables, Astrology, Matching, KP, Varshphal, Panchang, Lal Kitab, Horary, Numerology, Muhurat & Mundane Astrology |
Teva + Matching + Table |
Teva + Astrology + Matching + Table |
Astrology + Matching + Table + 1 Optional |
All 12 Modules |
All 12 Modules |
2 |
Teva - Birth charts, Planet Degree. Chalit, Shodashvarg Charts & Friendship Tables. Dasha systems of 7 types – Vimsottari, Yogini, Char, Ashtottari, Tribhagi, Kal Chakra & Sodashottari. Vimshottaridasha up to 5 levels – Mahadasha, Antaradsha, Pratyantardasha, Sookshma & Prandasha. Saturn Sadesati, Manglik Vichar, Kaal Sarp Yog, Remedies by Gem Stones, Mantras & Donations. Navansh, 9 Planets & 12 House Readings. |
3 |
Tables – Astrological tables required in every day use Avakhada, Ashtakvarga, Festivals Hindus & others, Mantra, Matching, Muhurat Vivah, Names, Numerology, Rahu Kaal, Yoga Varshphal / 249. |
4 |
Matching - Birth charts of Bride & Groom, Degree of Planets, Moon Chart & Navamsha Chart. Ashtakoot Gun Matching, Manglik Matchmaking & conclusion. 3 Systems of Matching - Traditional, north Indian & Gujarati |
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Matching with analysis - Analysis of Health, Nature, Children, Wealth & Relations with in laws as per Matching |
6 |
Astrology - Shadbal, Jaimini, Karakavastha, Sudershan Chakra, KP System, KP Significator, Shodasvarga Tables, Upgraha, Sannadi Chakra, Prasthar Ashtakvarga, Ashtakvarga Chart & Ashtak ascendant. Nakshatra Reading, Mahadasha & Antardasha analysis & Transit predictions for next 30 years. More than 500 yogas.Transits to view planets moving around the natal horoscope. |
8 |
Varshphal - Yearly calculation on traditional, Sayan & Nirayan system, exact sun degree system. Varshphal chart, friendship table, harshphal, panch vargeeya bala, year lord determination, saham, mudda, patyamsa dasha. Varsh Yoga and predictions of year lord, muntha lord & all 12 months. |
Optional |
9 |
KP - K P, Lagan chart, Cusp chart, Significator & Ruling Planets, Tables of Significators of houses & K P horoscope. Calculation of 249 number system & vimshottari dasha. |
Optional |
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Horary - Horary calculations & answer to questions on the basis of horary astrology.Hundreds of questions in different categories available in database. New questions can also be added. |
Optional |
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Lal Kitab - Birth chart by Lal Kitab Planetary position, friendship chart, dasha. Description of blind planets, righteous horoscope, underage horoscope, debt of previous birth. Lal Kitab predictions of nine planets with remedies for each planet & predictions for next 10 years. |
Optional |
12 |
Numerology - Calculations of radical number, lucky number, name number & life graph. Adjustment of name & numerological remedies & predictions. Favourable day & time with unfavourable dates. Predictions about friendship, partnership, love & marriage, favourable colour, lucky vehicle number, occupation, & gems. |
Optional |
13 |
Muhurat - Muhurat for auspicious date & time for Marriage, House warming, Service, Medical, New Born Child, Love & Romance, Property & Business, Industrial Establishment, Money matters, Speculation, Court, Vehicle, Election, Journey and Education etc. |
Optional |
14 |
Mundane - Price analysis, Sarvadobhadra Chakra, Transit of Planets, Result of Transit. Samvatsar - Samvat / Council, Annual Horo, World Horro, Clouds, Snakes, Stambha Tables, Stambha Graph. Tortoise – Tortoise India / World. Weather – Trinadi Chart, Sapt Nadi Chart, Nakshatra Chart and Rohini Chakra. |
Optional |
15 |
Panchang - Tithi, Vaar, Karan, Nakshatra & Yog table for any point of time. Ephemeris, Combustion, Nakshatra entry report, Nakshatra sub lord, Rahu kaal / Gand Mool, Badra, Panchak, rise / set of moon, Rashi entry & retrogression report, Transit,Sarvarthsiddhi, Amritsiddhi, Dwipushkar, Tripushkar, Gurupushya & Ravipushya Yog. |
Optional |
Common Features of All Modules |
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Calenders - Facility to convert tithi to date & vice versa from Gregarian calender to National, Chaitradi, Kartikadi, Bengali, Nepali and Punjabi calenders |
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Data Bank - A huge data bank containing the birth details of thousands of important people both national & International along with the formulation dates of countries. |
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Horary Tools like Ram Shalaka, Gautam Kevili Mahavidya, Pasavili Box of 15, Ramal Prashna, Jin Kevli Shakunavali, 16 Ank Shakunavali, Santan Prashana, Ank Shakunavali, Karya Pariksha, Yogadi Dev Prashnavli, Sagar Chakra, Ramal Chart, Ramal Nakshatra, Vinod Manjari, Ramal Shakunavali, Garbhani Prashnavali, Ramal number, Teesa Yantra. |
19 |
Elementary Astrological Books in English & Hindi – A Text Book of Astrology, Saral Hasth Rekha Shastra, Book of Astrological Tables, Horoscope Matching, Saral Ank Jyotish and Brihadupay Sanghita |
20 |
Advanced Astrological Books in English & Hindi – Saral Ashtakvarg Sidhant, Dashaphal Nirnay, Saral Muhurath Bodh, Feng Shui, Lal Kitab, Remedies of Astrology, Transit of Planets, Horary, Varshphal, Shadbal, Timing of Events, Mundane Astrology Jaimini Jyotish. Krishnamurthypadhiti, Domestic Vastu, Remedies of Domestic Vastu, Advanced Vastu, Medical Remedies of Palmistry. |
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Longitude & Latitudes of cities of the world. |
20,000 |
More then 1 Crore |
More then 1 Crore |
More then 1 Crore |
More then 1 Crore |
22 |
Automatic Time Correction of cities all over the world. User can also change the time correction as per his / her choice. |
23 |
Tarot Card consultancy. Biorhythm Charts for Health, Emotions & Finance, Calendar with Hindu Panchang. |
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Mantras of all planets & deities, can be played as many times as required. |
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Leo Gold - The predecessor of Leostar |
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Printing possible on different sizes of stationery like Pocket Size, Book Size, File Size, Plain A4 etc. |
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Languages |
Bilingual |
Bilingual |
Bilingual |
Bilingual |
Multilingual |
28 |
Help - On Line Help Manual |
5,999 BUY |
11,99910,799 BUY |
16,99915,299 BUY |
29,99923,999 BUY |
35,99928,799 BUY |