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Astrology software leostar FAQ


Question 1. What is the minimum requirement for running leostar?

The Software is developed to run on a Windows environment preferably Pentium Class 3 Ghz Celeron PC with 512 MB RAM running Windows-XP Operating System and later released versions. The Software requires around 300-400 MB harddisk space The harddisk space increases almost by 50-60 MB Per Language for Calculation with Predictions Software with increase in no. of languages.

Question 2. Where can we attach this Leo Key (or can we attach the Leo Key on any port)?

We can't attach the Leo Key on any port. We have to attach this Leo Key on parallel port /USB port.

Question 3. Can we take the printout on Dot matrix printer?

Printing from Dot-Matrix printer has become outdated and has been discontinued in Leostar.

Question 4. Can I load the software on more than one computers?

You can load the software on any numbers of computers but the software will only work where Leo Key will be attached on the USB/Parallel port. So you can view the software at a time on one computer.

Question 5. Can I load the software on any operating system other then Microsoft series?

You can not load the software on any series other than Microsoft. This software is compatible only with Microsoft operating systems series like Microsoft Windows XP, Vista and Win 7. So if you have operating system like Macintosch etc. you will not be able to load the software. So change your operating system and install the software.

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