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Panchang software leostar

Panchang of any year and any place can be seen with a single click

This Panchang software is very popular among astrologers. Leo star panchang software is also known as panchang, panchangam, hindu calendar and hindupanchang. Leostar Panchangam software contains Ascendant timeout period, sidereal period, tenth house, ascendant table, Panchang - Sunrise, Moonrise, date, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karan, Rashi, sun sign, Sun Star, Rahukal, Hora, Chaugdia, Transit moon, transit sun, grass, date, yoga, Lagna. Daily Almanac from 0 to 9999 in which you can see Samvat, month, date, sunrise and sunset time, Dinman(duration of day) and ending time of Star, Karan and yoga are also included in this panchang software.

Additional Features of Panchang Software

Leostar Panchangam is an integral part of leostar professional software. Panchangam software can be used to know the Panchang of any day. In leostar Panchangam software the Panchang of any year and any place can be seen with a single click. In addition the Panchang for each day can be calculated for the entire week, month or year.

Leostar Almanac (panchang software) provides different time of Tithi, Vaar, Nakshatra, planet and Rashi Pravesh for different places.

This Panchang software provides accurate and error free Muhurat. Panchang software can help to make Panchang of any year.

Features of panchang software are as follows:

  • Tables of Panchang – Titthi, Vaar, Karan, Nakshatra and Yog for any point of time.
  • Ephemeris report, combustion report, Nakshatra entry report, Nakshatra sub lord, Rahu kaal / Gand Mool, Badra, Panchak, rise / set of moon, Rashi entry report, retrogression report, Sarvarthsiddhi Yog, Amritsiddhi Yog, Dwipushkar Yog, Tripushkar Yog, Gurupushya Yog, Ravipushya Yog and transit.
  • Ascendant Table - Ascendant timeout period, sidereal period, tenth house, ascendant table.
  • Panchang degrees - daily ascendant, daily degree starting, Nakshatra starting, Rashi / Nakshatra start, daily sun lagna, daily sun degree starting, sun sign/ nakshatra starting, Chandra daily Ascendant, daily moon degree starting, moon sign/ nakshatra starting, And so on for all the other planets. And Aynansh.
  • Yoga – Auspicious and inauspicious Yogas have been incorporated like - Sarwarth siddhi, amrit siddhi, Tripushkar, Dvipushkar, Sun Pushya, Guru Pushya, Rajprad, Prashast, Mrityukal, Dagdha, Visha, Hutashn and Yamghantak. This type of yoga is formed, its associated rules are also given.
  • Rahukal - Rahukal, Hora, Chaugdia.
  • Transit Transit moon, transit sun, Tithi, yoga, Lagna.
  • Daily Almanac from 0 to 9999 in which you can see Samvat, month, date, sunrise and sunset time, Dinman(duration of day) and ending time of Star, Karan and yoga Could be changed on a monthly or yearly basis.
  • With leostar software the comprehensive calculation of Panchangam for each day can be calculated for the entire year, week or month instantly. The most important advantage of this software is that there is no need to carry regional panchangs as Leostar panchang is most accurate.


Leostar Kundli Software, panchang assendent report Leostar Kundli Software, panchang Chk Panchang Leostar Kundli Software, panchang combution Report Leostar Kundli Software, panchang ephemeris Leostar Kundli Software, panchang ephemeris Report Leostar Kundli Software, Festivals Leostar Kundli Software, Festivals Leostar Kundli Software, Nakshatra  sub Leostar Kundli Software, Panchang Leostar Kundli Software, Panchang Report Leostar Kundli Software, Panchang table Leostar Kundli Software, Panchang,Panchang table 2 Leostar Kundli Software, Panchang, Panchang table 4 Leostar Kundli Software, Rahukal Leostar Kundli Software,  Rahukal Gandmool Leostar Kundli Software, Rashi Entry Report Leostar Kundli Software, Retrogression Report Leostar Kundli Software, Sarvarth Sidhi yogas Leostar Kundli Software, Transit Leostar Kundli Software,Ascendasnt Report

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