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Buy Leostar Expert (Multi Lingual) 59999 47999  

Expert Astrology Software with Prediction Master

Future Point has launched Leostar Expert Edition for experts which is latest and very advanced edition of popular astrology software Leostar. Leostar Expert Edition for experts is upgraded version of world number one vedic astrology software Leostar Professional. It contains all those facilities which are essentially needed and demanded by expert astrologers’ community. This software is upgraded business tool for a professional astrologer as it not only includes all the features of Leostar Professional but also gives comprehensive horoscopes like Bhrigupatrika, Kundlidarpan, ParasharPatrika etc. In addition to that the 30 year report of around 300 pages can also be obtained.

Daily, monthly & yearly predictions have been introduced for the first time.

Special detailed packages on remedies like Gems, Rudraksha, Sadesati, Pitridosha & others have been added.

Its Gem recommendation(Ratna Vichar) software is widely accepted by all professional astrologers as it recommends the most appropriate gem always.

It also gives Sadesati’s detailed description and predictions in detail for all three cycles.

Detailed analysis of Pitridosha along with symptoms, Grah yoga and Remedies.

Special 3 page rudraksha report on favourable rudraksha, wearing influence and importance for a particular native.

It contains Prediction Master which gives the full facility to add your own prediction with additional convenience of editing the predictions thus added.

The layouts of page can be designed in your own style as per choice. Expert Edition gives the facility of printing horoscope in real book binding format in sectional form.

Leostar Expert Edition gives Panchang calculations, reports and Festival Master Updating especially for Panchang makers. It also provides the facility of editing before printing.

These advanced features make it more advanced package of Leostar and are available in its expert edition.

Some morepreset page layouts have been added in various package.

Provides the facility of editing before printing.

Detailed and accurate annual predictions.

Leostar Expert Package

Astrology software Leostar Expert contains following modules:

horoscope software leostar option

Additional Features of Expert Package

All great features of Leostar Professional are incorporated in it with extra special features given below-

  • It gives following comprehensive horoscopes- .

    30 Year Report- 30 Year Report is most comprehensive Horoscope of astrological calculations and predictions along with all essential remedies. In a way it is a life book containing all sorts of astrological calculations with extensive predictions like Dashaphal and Transit predictions.

    Bhrigupatrika- Bhrigupatrika is basically a very comprehensive model of prediction and calculation.This about 200 page long Horoscope is the best model for complete and detailed calculations and predictions with Numerology, LalKitab, Astrograph and Yogas.

    Kundli Darpan- It is also a commonly chosen small model of prediction. It is about 100 page report of astrological calculations and predictions along with all essential remedies. It contains 5 year Transit prediction with 10 year Dashaphal analysis

    Parashar Patrika- The astrological calculations available in this model of horoscope help to get a much better idea about the strength of the native’s destiny.

  • Daily Horoscope- Daily prediction is done on the basis of transit of moon in order to analyse and predict day to day events.
  • Monthly Horoscope- For getting predictions for a specific month the transit of Sun is considered most importance.
  • Yearly Horoscope- For annual forecast the impact of transit of Jupiter, Saturn and Rahu on native’s horoscope is studied minutely.


Leostar comes in all major Indian and international languages.


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Leostar is available in Hindi, English, Gujrati, Oriya, Bangla and shortly it shall be available in other languages like Marathi, Assami, Telugu, Panjabi and Nepali. For each topic (Dasha, horoscope, prediction) the language can be changed as per your choice.



  • User can add his predictions(one page).
  • Create your own astrological rules/conditions using the friendly LEO scripting language.
  • Predictions can be translingual i.e. on the same page print the same prediction in any number of languages.
  • Dynamically readjust color, font, size, alignment, etc.
  • Insert pictures of your choice, into your predictions for better illustration.


  • Create your own charts & use them into leostar.
  • Full control of planet names, font size, color, alignment etc.
  • Superimpose "chart in a chart" to any level and then further configure each of these charts.
  • User defined support for dynamically configuring the astrological chart type, print language, colors etc.


  • Print on any paper size like Pocket Size, Book Size, File Size, Plain A4 Sheet etc.
  • Print 1, 2, 4 or 8 pages per leaf on single or both sides.
  • Dynamically place objects to match your pre printed stationery.
  • Support features for both sides printing, printing for centre stapling, printing for spiral binding, etc.
  • Total print logging and reporting. Print Horoscope with borders on plain A4 Sheets.

User Customization

  • User can create custom page layouts.
  • User can create custom models.
  • User can create custom chart templates.
  • User can create custom predictions.
  • User can define his own paper sizes and printer settings.
  • User can add, delete or modify his own city


  • Comprehensive reporting on horoscopes printed/processed.
  • Selective reporting based on astrologer, language, model, etc. to get better planning
  • Permanent backup support for all transactions.
  • Categorize your horoscopes based on research, trends, sport persons, politicians etc. for better planning.
  • Device month wise report of sales figures.


  • Complete translingual reporting.
  • Language selection for each object (Dasa, Chart, Prediction, etc.) dynamically configurable.
  • Supports multiple language data entry for even the same horoscope.
  • Available in Major 11 Languages.
  • Inbuilt interlanguage font translation support.
  • On-line context sensitive help in language of choice.


  • Leostar databank contains information of more than 5 thousand people.
  • Databank contains horoscopes and other astrological data of thousands of VIP in different field like – sports, politics, film, science, business etc.
  • You can also save your family photos in this software.


  • Mantras can be recited from leostar.
  • Accurate pronounciation of Mantras helps in rectifying the Doshas of planets.
  • Configure the software to listen mantra available in leostar at the start of the program upto any number of times specified by you.
  • Facility to listen any other mantra of your own, available on your computer from leostar.


  • Ank Shakunavli
  • Bio-Rhythmic Graph
  • Chart Ramal
  • Box of 15
  • Garbhini Prashna
  • Gautam Kevli Maha Vidya
  • Jin Kevli Shakunavli
  • Karya Prichha
  • Nakshatra
  • Number Ramal
  • Pasavli
  • Ram Shalaka
  • Ramadi Prashna Chakram
  • Ramal Shakunavli
  • Sagar Chakra
  • Santan
  • Tarrot Cards
  • Teesa Yantra
  • Vinod Manjari
  • Yugadi Dev
  • Ank Shakunavli


leostar icon
  • Exhaustive computations of Horoscopes and Matching.
  • Easy to use, correct, capable of predictions by fast computations.
  • Contains data of 1 Crore cities.
  • Various charts, Dashas and Computations can be seen on a single screen.
  • The Finance and Health Analysis on Daily, Monthly and Annual basis.
  • Contains Various Calendars.
  • Various Mantras can be listened.
  • Horary Tools such as Biorythm Chart and Tarot Cards.
  • Pages Contain : Birth Details, Planetary Degrees, Chalit, Shodash Varg charts, Vimshottari Dasha. Five fold friend, Shodashottari Dasha, Tribaghi Dasha, Ashtottari Dasha, Yogini Dasha, Kaal Chakra Dasha, Char Dasha, Birth Reading with 10 year prediction.
  • Various Dasha upto 5 level.
  • Transit - Graphical view to see and analyse planets and their positions.
  • Various predictions- Navamsa, planet and house reading.


Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Main Screen Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Theme Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Langauge Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) |  Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar Professional (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) |  Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) |  Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) |  Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) |  Leostar Professional (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) |  Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) |  Leostar Professional (Best Astrology Software) | Leostar expert (Best Astrology Software) |  Leostar Professional (Best Astrology Software) |

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