Panchang of any day & any place for 10,000 years is one click away
Leostar Panchang software is very popular among astrologers. Those astrologers who wish to release their own Panchang can create Panchang of any year by using this Panchang software. It helps in calculating accurate and error free Muhurat. It gives daily Panchang (Almanac) from 0 to 9999 in which one can see Samvat, month, Tithi, sunrise and sunset time, Dinman (duration of day), Ascendant timeout period, sidereal period, tenth house, ascendant table, Panchang - Sunrise, Moonrise, Tithi, Nakshatra, Yoga, Karan, Vaar, Rashi, Sun Sign, Sun Star, Rahukaal, Hora, Chaugadia, Panchak, transit Moon, transit Sun, Lagna, transit & motion of planets. It is also known as Panchang, Panchangam, Hindu calendar and Hindupanchang.
Apart from Panchang calculations and predictions it also contains comprehensive and complete astrology solutions required by an astrologer for making predictions in its Astrology module i.e. planet aspect, Bhava aspect, cusp aspect, Saptvargas, Shodash Vargas, Varga Bhedas, Vimsopaka, Satvargas, Shodash Vargas, Varga Bhedas, Vimsopaka, Karaka, Avastha, Rashmi, Nakshatra Reading, Mahadasha and Antardasha analysis and Transit predictions for next 30 years, More than 500 astrological combinations, transits till 9999, the combinations and remedial measures for inauspicious Yogas like Manglik dosh, Kaalsarpa Yoga and Sadesati etc. have also been given in detail.