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Kundli software system requirement

Kundli software Leostar system requirements

Your computer need to have the following system requirements to run leostar:


Intel & AMD Based Processors

  • Celeron & Pentium Family
  • Core 2 & Core i Family
  • Sempron & Turion Family
  • Sthlon & Phenom Family

x86 & x64 Processors supported.

Operating System

Microsoft Windows Only

  • Windows 98
  • Windows XP
  • Windows Vista
  • Windows 7
  • Windows 8

32Bit & 64 Bit versions supported.

Memory Requirements


  • 512 MB of System RAM Recommended
  • 1 GB of System RAM

Storage Requirements


  • 300 - 400 MB of free space Recommended
  • 1 GB of free space

Optical Hardware

  • CD-ROM Drive

I/O Ports

  • USB 1.1 or Above



  • 800X600 Pixel Resolution
  • leostar software runs smoothly on 800 X 600 pixels or higher resolution, so, one should opt for a Monitor and Display Adapter which supports this resolution.

Our suggestion

  • The Software's performance increases on a good, fast computer with more RAM and CPU speed. Therefore, to have a good configuration system these days, one can opt for a P-IV 3 Ghz System with 512 MB RAM and 10 GB Hard Disk.
  • For High-End Users, we recommend P-IV 3 Ghz System with 1 GB RAM and 80 GB hard disk capacity.

NOTE : These are tested statistics for optimum application & system performance.

How to install Leostar software : View Installation

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