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Best Varshphal software leostar

Varshphal software casts varshphal chart with predictions

This kundli software can calculate Varshphal Horoscope Charts - lagna chart, moon chart, Hora chart, Dreshkana chart, Chaturthansh, Panchmaansh, Shashtyansh, Saptmansh, Ashtmansh, Navmansh, Dashmaansh, Ekadshansh, Dwadshansh, Triptaki charts etc. including Varshphal Dashas - Patyansh, Muddda and Vimshotri Dasha accurately. It also gives Muntha, Munthesh, Varsesh and Varshlagnesh predictions.

Additional Features of Varshphal Software

Parashari, Jaimini and Tajik are the three most popular systems of Vedic Astrology. Parashar gives more importance to the planets while Jaimini considers the Rashis to be more important. Tajik is mainly used in Prashna Shastra and in Varshphal. Tajik always diverts from the main stream of traditional methods and applies new techniques of Astrology.

In Varshphal software we get details like planetary degrees, birth details, all kinds of strengths of planets, Pancwargeeya Bala, Maitri Dwadash Vargas, Harsha Bala & Dwadashvargeey Balas have been shown.

Calculation of Varshesh, Sahams of 60 types, three types of Dashass – Patyansh, Vimshotri Dasha and Mudda Dasha including five level calculations.

Prediction of Varshphal on the basis of Muntha, Munthesh, Varshesh and Varsh Lagnesh, Sixteen Yogas of Varshphal with the information of presence and absence of these yogas. Varshphal of any year can be made.

Features of Varshphal software are as follows:

  • Yearly calculation on traditional, Sayan and Narayan system, exact sun degree system
  • Varshphal Horoscope Charts - lagna chart, moon chart, Hora chart, Dreshkana chart, Chaturthansh, Panchmaansh, Saptmansh, Ashtmansh, Navmansh, Dashmaansh, Ekadshansh, Dwadshansh, Triptaki charts etc. with accurate calculations.
  • Varshphal Grah Spasht - Planet, Bhava Degrees.
  • Varshphal birth details.
  • Varshphal Bal - Pancwargiy Bal, friendship chart, Dwadash Varga and Harshbala.
  • Varshesh, saham
  • Varshphal Dashas - Patyansh, Muddda and Vimshotri Dasha
  • Varshphal Prediction - Muntha, Munthesh, Varsesh, Varshlagnesh and 12 months predictions.
  • Varshphal Yogas - All Varshphal Yogas are included in this Software like Ikkbal, Induwar, Itthshal, Israf, Nakta, Yamaya, Manau, Kambul, Gary Kambul, Khallasar, Radd yoga, Dufali Kutth Yoga, Dutth Kutthir, Tumbir, Kutth, Duraf yoga etc..
  • Astrograph - health, financial situation, mental state, graphical analysis on daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, and 10-year basis available.


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