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The Mystery of Navamsha Kundali Unveiled

By: Future Point | 18-Jun-2024

Views : 1061

The Mystery of Navamsha Kundali Unveiled

Vedic astrology with its roots in ancient Indian scriptures is a profound system for understanding human destiny. Among its many tools is the navamsa chart, also known as the navamsha kundli. Holds a place of paramount importance. This divisional chart offers deeper insights into an individual’s life, going beyond what the primary birth chart can reveal.

Divisional charts or Vargas are specialized tools in Vedic astrology used to analyze specific areas of life. Among them, the navamsa kundli is perhaps the most crucial after the rashi chart. Navamsa meaning ninth division splits each zodiac sign into nine equal parts, providing a nuanced look at a person’s fortunes, especially in areas like marriage, career, and spiritual growth.

Understanding navamsa kundli

The navamsha kundli is a microcosm of the primary birth chart (rashi chart). Each of the twelve zodiac signs is divided into nine parts, resulting in a total of 108 navamsas. This kundali is particularly revered for its predictive accuracy concerning marriage and partnerships, and it is also crucial for assessing the strength and placement of planets. Make your navamsa kundli report with Leostar kundli software and find accurate predictions to your horoscope.

The role of navamsa in Vedic astrology cannot be overstated. While the rashi chart shows the outer aspects of one’s life, the navamsha reveals the inner strengths and weaknesses, providing insights into how one will fare in different areas of life over time. It essentially helps astrologers make more precise and accurate predictions.

Calculation of navamsa chart

Calculating the navamsha kundli involves a precise methodology. Here’s a simplified step-by-step process:

  1. Determine the zodiac sign: identify the zodiac sign of each planet in the rashi chart.
  2. Divide the sign: each sign (30 degrees) is divided into nine parts (navamsha) each part being 3 degrees 20 minutes.
  3. Assign the navamsa: depending on the degrees traversed by a planet in its sign, place it in the corresponding navamsa. For instance, if a planet is in the 10th degree of Aries, it falls into the third navamsa of Aries.

To ensure accuracy , precise birth time is essential. Even a minute’s difference can change the navamsa positions, thereby altering interpretations significantly.

Interpretation of the Navamsa Kundli 

Interpreting the navamsa kundli involves analyzing the placement and strength of planets in this divisional chart. Key factors include:

  1. Navamsa lagna (ascendant): the ascendant in the navamsa chart sets the stage for interpretation, similar to the rashi chart.
  2. Planet position: the house and sign placement of planets in the navamsa chart reveal deeper layers of their influence. 
  3. Relationship to rashi chart: a planet strong in both rashi and navamsa a chart is considered powerful and beneficial. Conversely, a planet weak in both charts might indicate challenges.

For instance if Venus is exalted in the rashi chart but debilitated in the navamsa chart, it might suggest initial success in relationships but long term difficulties.

Role of Navamsa Kundli in marriage and relationships

The navamsa chart is often referred to as the marriage chart due to its critical role in analyzing marital prospects. It reveals insights into:

  1. Marriage prospects: the placement of Venus and the 7th house in the navamsa chart is crucial for determining the timing and quality of marriage.
  2. Compatibility: comparing the navamsa charts of two individuals can reveal compatibility and potential areas of conflict.
  3. Marital happiness: factors like the 7th house, its ruler, and planets accepting it in the navamsa chart provide a detailed view of marital life.

A strong seventh house and benefic influence in the navamsa chart generally indicate a harmonious marriage, whereas malefic influences could suggest challenges.

Career and Navamsa Kundli

The navamsa chart is not limited to marital analysis; it also provides insights into one’s career and professional life. Key aspects include:

  1. Career strength and weaknesses: the tenth house in navamsa, chart along with its ruler and aspects, highlights career potential and pitfalls.
  2. Professional success: benefic planet in the tenth house or aspecting it can indicate a successful career, while malefic influence might suggest obstacles.
  3. Career changes: transits and dashas affecting the navamsa chart can predict significant career changes and shifts.

For example a strong sun in the navamsa tenth house might indicate leadership qualities and potential for success in authoritative positions.

Health and Navamsa Kundli

Health analysis through the navamsa chart involves examining the sixth house and its influences. Factors to consider include:

  1. Health indicators: the placement and condition of planets in the sixth house of navamsa chart reveal potential health issues.
  2. Longevity: the eighth house and its ruler in the navamsa chart provide insights into longevity and lifespan.
  3. Preventive measures: by identifying weak points in the navamsa chart, includes can take preventive measures to mitigate health risks.

For instance, a malefic planet in the sixth house might indicate chronic health issues, prompting the need for regular medical check-ups and healthy lifestyle.

Importance of Navamsa Kundli

Analyzing real life examples helps illustrate the practical application of the navamsa chart. Here are a few sample cases:

  • A successful businessperson with a strong sun in both rashi and navamsa charts, highlighting leadership and prosperity.
  • An individual with marital difficulties due to a debilitated Venus in the navamsa chart despite a strong Venus in the rashi chart.
  • A person experiencing career shifts predicted by significant transits in the navamsa chart.

These examples underscore the importance of the navamsa chart in providing a comprehensive understanding of various life aspects.

Remedies based on navamsa analysis can help mitigate negative influences and enhance positive outcomes. Common remedies include:

  1. Mantras and prayers: reciting specific mantras to strengthen weak planets or appease malefic ones.
  2. Gemstone: wearing gemstones corresponding to benefic planets in the navamsa chart.
  3. Rituals and donations: performing rituals and making donations to alleviate planetary afflictions.

For example wearing a ruby can strengthen a weak sun, while donating black sesame seeds might mitigate the effects of a malefic Saturn.


The navamsa kundli is an indispensable tool in Vedic astrology, providing deep insights into marriage, career, health, and more. Its detailed analysis helps astrologers make accurate predictions and offer meaningful guidance. 

By understanding and utilizing the navamsa chart, individuals can navigate life’s challenges more effectively and make informed decisions for a better future. 

In conclusion the navamsa kundli significance in astrology cannot be overstated. It acts as a vital key to unlocking the future. To know about your kundli in detail, talk to our well experienced astrologers