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Unveiling the Secrets of Gulika in your Birth Chart

By: LeoStar | 10-Jun-2024

Views : 3984

Unveiling the Secrets of Gulika in your Birth Chart

In vedic astrology, various unique concepts play significant roles in determining an individual’s destiny and personality. One such intriguing concept is Gulika ( also known as maandi).

Gulika, often regarded as a malefic entity is not a physical planet but a sensitive point in the horoscope and its significance is deeply embedded in traditional astrological practices.

This article delves into the secrets of gulika, exploring its calculation, influence, and implications in a birth chart, providing a comprehensive understanding for both novices and seasoned astrologers.

Understanding Gulika

What is gulika?

Gulika, also referred to as maandi, is a subsidiary of Saturn. Unlike the primary planets, gulika does not have a physical presence; it is a mathematical point derived from the motion of Saturn. In Vedic astrology, gulika is considered malefic, bringing challenges and obstacles into the areas it influences. However its exact nature and impact can vary based on its placement in the birth chart and the aspects it receives.

The Mythological Background

In mythology gulika is often associated with Saturn, the harbinger of karma and time. The legends suggest that gulika is a shadow planet much like rahu and ketu, and it carries the attributes of Saturn. This connection to Saturn underscores its karmic significance, emphasizing lessons of discipline, endurance and sometimes hardship.

Calculating Gulika

The concept of gulika kala:the timing of gulika known as gulika kala. Is crucial for its calculations. This period is determined based on the weekday and the sunrise and sunset times each day of the weak has a specific gulika kala, which falls within a particular segment of the day.

  1. Identify the day of week: each day  has a unique segment allotted to gulika. for example:
  • Sunday muhurta approximately 1 hour 36 minute after sunrise
  • Monday muhurta Approximately 2 hour 24 minutes before sunset
  • Tuesday muhurta approximately 2 hours 24 minutes before sunset etc……………

2. Determine the duration of each muhurta:

  • The duration of a muhurta is roughly 48 minutes, but it can very base on the length of the day, which changes with the seasons.

3. Locate gulika kala: using the specific muhurta , calculate the exact time period during which gulika kala falls on that particular day.

4. Find the ascendant at gulika kala: the ascendant (lagna) at the time of gulika kala is where gulika is placed in the birth chart.

The influence of Gulika in different houses

Gulika placement in a birth chart can significantly influence various aspects of life. Let's explore its impact when placed in different houses;

  • First house: when gulika is in the first house it can affect the individual’s physical appearance, health, and overall demeanor. Such native may face health issues or challenges in asserting their identity. They may also exhibit a serious or somber personality, influenced by Saturn’s characteristics.
  • Second house: gulika in the second house can create obstacles related to warmth, family, and speech. Financial instability, strained family relationships, or difficulties in communication may be common. However, with strong benefic influences these challenges can be mitigated.
  • Third house: in the third house, gulika impacts courage, siblings, and communication. It can bring struggles in expressing oneself or create conflicts with siblings. However it can also endow the native with perseverance and the ability to face adversities.
  • Fourth house: gulika’s placement in the fourth house can affect domestic peace, mother, and property. There might be emotional turbulence, issues related to real estate, or health problems concerning the mother. The native may also feel a sense of detachment from their roots or homeland.
  • Fifth house: in the fifth house, gulika influences creativity, children, and intellect. It can cause difficulties in educational pursuits, challenges in relationships with children or delays in creative endeavors. However, it can also bestow deep philosophical thinking.
  • Sixth house: gulika in sixth house is generally considered challenging, as it affects health, enemies, and debts. The native might face persistent health issues, conflicts with adversaries or financial burdens. Nonetheless it can also provide the strength to overcome obstacles through perseverance.
  • Seventh house: when placed in 7th house gulika impacts marriage, partnerships and public relationships. There can be delays or difficulties in marital life, challenges in business partnerships or issues in public dealing. Yet it can also bring profound lessons in relationships.
  • Eighth house: gulika’s presence in the eighth house is intense influencing longevity, occult matters and sudden events. It can bring a heightened interest in the mystical or esoteric, and may cause sudden upheavals or transformations. This placement often necessitates a deep understanding of life’s uncertainties.
  • Ninth house: in the ninth house gulika affects higher education, spirituality, and long distance travels. It can cause delays or obstacles in educational achievements, challenges in spiritual growth, or difficulties in foreign travels. However, it can also foster profound spiritual insights and philosophical growth.
  • Tenth house: gulika in tenth house impacts career, reputation, and societal standing. The native may face hurdles in their professional life, struggle in achieving recognition, or public controversies. Yet this placement can also cultivate resilience and a strong work ethic.
  • Eleventh house: when placed in the eleventh house, gulika influences friendships, gains and aspirations. It can bring challenges in social circles, delays in realizing aspirations or fluctuations in financial gains. However, it can also promote a realistic approach to ambitions and goals.
  • Twelfth house: gulika in the twelfth house affects losses, expenditures, and spiritual isolation. The native may encounter financial losses, secretive activities, or a tendency towards seclusion. Nevertheless, it can also encourage deep spiritual practices and a quest for inner peace.

The aspects and conjunctions of Gulika

Gulika influence is further modified by its aspects and conjunctions with other planets. Let’s explore how different planets interact with gulika:

  • Sun: when gulika is conjunct with the sun, it can create a challenging influence on the native’s self-esteem, health, and authority. There might be ego clashes or issues related to father figures. However it can also endow a sense of responsibility and discipline.
  • Moon: a conjunction with the moon can affect the native’s emotional well Bing and mental health. There might be emotional turbulence or issues related to the mother. Yet this placement can also provide deep emotional resilience and intuitive abilities.
  • Mars: gulika’s conjunction with mars can intensify the native’s aggression, courage, and drive. There might be conflicts, accidents, or health issues. However, it can also bestow tremendous energy and the ability to overcome obstacles.
  • Mercury: when gulika conjoins mercury, it can influence the native’s communication, intellect, and analytical abilities. There might be challenges in communication or issues related to siblings. However this placement can also foster deep analytical thinking and precision.
  • Jupiter: a conjunction with Jupiter can affect the nstive;s wisdom, spirituality, and luck. There might be delays or obstacles in educational pursuits or spiritual growth. Yet, this can also promote profound philosophical insights and spiritual depth.
  • Venus: gulika conjunction with venus can impact the native’s relationships, aesthetics, and material comforts. There might be challenges in romantic relationships or issues related to financial stability. However it can also encourage realistic love and beauty.
  • Saturn: when gulika is in conjunction with Saturn, the influence is intensified as gulika is a subsidiary of Saturn, there might be significant challenges, delays and obstacles in various aspects of life. Yet this placement can also cultivate immense endurance, discipline, and karmic understanding.
  • Rahu and ketu: a conjunction with rahu can amplify the unconventional and unpredictable aspects of gulika, leading to sudden changes or unusual experiences. With ketu, the influence is more introspective, fostering spiritual growth and detachment from material concerns.

Mitigate the effect of Gulika: Remedies and Rituals

In vedic astrology several remedies and rituals are prescribed to mitigate the malefic effects of gulika. These include:

  • Mantra: chanting specific mantras like the maha mrityunjaya mantra or shani mantra can help reduce the malefic influence of gulika.
  • Fasting: observing fasts on Saturdays can help alleviate the challenges posed by gulika.
  • Donation and charity: donating black sesame seeds, iron or black clothes on Saturdays can appease Saturn and its subsidiary gulika.
  • Yantras and gemstones: wearing gemstones like blue sapphire or using Saturn yantras can provide protection and enhance positive influences.
  • Pujas and homas: performing specific rituals and homas dedicated to Saturn can help reduce the adverse effects of gulika.